39 Reasons Why I Left The Corporate World & Became A Personal Brand

39 Reasons Why I Left The Corporate World & Became A Personal Brand

1. I realized early on that I didn’t fit into the corporate world.

2. I didn’t like the corporate world and all its ‘fakeness’ or its desire to be ‘politically correct’ and ‘polite’. I wanted to call a spade – a spade.

3. It wasn’t me living a life – I was living a routine.

4. I realized I would be a slave forever to this system.

5. Whatever I did or contributed – all that effort wasn’t me.

6. Wanted to Break away from the 9 to 5 lifestyle.

7. Wanted to be an authority & expert.

8. I didn’t want to take someone else’s business card with my name typed on it with a dummy designation and introduce myself as a slave to that company.

9. I saw others earning per hour and enjoying a luxurious life and going for holidays whenever they wanted.

10. I realised there were many people living with Flexibility in Operation & Lifestyle. I wanted part of that.

11. I wanted to create a lifestyle where whatever work and contributions I made – I could take with me wherever I wanted. The problem with working for a company was that – the day I would leave the company – all the contributions I made to the company would be with the company. And if I joined a new company – I would have to start from zero and prove myself from zero all over again.

12. I wanted to earn as much as I like.

13. I wanted to wear – whatever I wanted to wear.

14. I wanted respect for being “ME” and not an “employee” of a respected company.

15. I hated Office Politics.

16. Working for someone was forever unpredictable

17. Success in the corporate world depended on the authority of someone above me. And if he didn’t like me – that was the end of my success phase.

18. I hated pleasing others – Clients, Customers, Boss, Colleagues, Vendors & Suppliers. I was fed up!

19. I didn’t want to dance to anyone’s tunes just because he had a dummy title. And even worse was respecting someone I didn’t want to respect.

20. I wanted to be in control of my own destiny, time and lifestyle.

21. I wanted to earn as much as I wanted & rest & switch off whenever I wanted to with having to get a sick-leave-certificate.

22. I have always been restless, creative, a rebel and loved to do my own thing.

23. Loved reinventing ways and means of working. Constantly trying and experimenting new things.

24. I didn’t believe in reporting to work on time.

25. I didn’t believe in calling anyone above me “Sir” or “Madam” just because he or she had more experience than me in ONLY that given job or because he or she was my customer or client.

26. I kept failing in whatever I was doing because it was at its best – boring! I wasn’t contributing to my own brand. It felt like a job!

27. I felt a greater sense of passion knowing that what I was working for – was my own baby and would be mine forever! I wanted to create my own brand!

28. Even if I put in 100%, the ROI wouldn’t be 100%. It would be less.

29. I didn’t like when my ideas were rejected and I also hated the fact that I had to convince the world for implementing my ideas.

30. The day I resigned from the company – it would be that person’s brand and not mine which would remain.

31. I wanted to be myself – which I could never do working for the corporate world.

32. Every time I changed a job – I had to start from scratch.

33. My progress was based on the whims and fancies of others.

34. Whatever I created or made – was finally – someone else’s. And to watch someone else take credit or get a bonus for it – I hated it.

35. No matter what position or salary or successful I was – End of the day I was recognized as an employee.

36. There would be a limit to how much I earned.

37. No great visionary or legend or artist or memorable brand was an Employee.

38. If I made a good deal or got a bonus I could take many weeks off without any work!

39. There was always the risk of Management Change or Unpredictable factors which I couldn’t control where my hard work could still go down the drain.

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