Performance Evaluation Form – What Is It?
The employee performance evaluation form is one of the performance management tools utilized during the employee performance planning and evaluation stages of the employee performance management process under the organization’s performance management system. Contrary to the subjective performance appraisal form, the employee performance evaluation form is objective in nature with well-established quantifiable performance indicators.
Its Components
The employee performance evaluation form has 2 components
1- The Objective Record Sheet (ORS) – This employee performance evaluation form is accomplished by the employee throughout the performance planning phase at the start of the year and serves as basis during the quarterly performance evaluation and semestral review. It comes in excel format with two major segments, the first being Objective Indicators which composed of the measures in the aspects of quality, quantity, time and cost. On the other extreme of each measure are the corresponding ratings from excellent, good, fair and poor. Another major segment is the Activities covering the vital activities to be carried out; completion period; cost; support needed and; the source of support. After a critical consideration, the ORS is signed by both the employee and the immediate supervisor. One ORS for every KRA and goal/strategy shall be accomplished.
2- The Individual Operating Plan (IOP) – Similarly, the staff shall accomplish this employee performance evaluation form in the planning stage but shall be used fully in the quarterly and periodic review. Also, it comes in excel format consolidating the entries of the ORSs. The form has 3 major segments, the first of which is the Performance with a corresponding weight of 90%. It involves the institutional strategy/goals supported; Key Result Areas (KRAs); weight per KRA; individual objectives; rating for ORS and; the final rating. The second is the Behavioral Segment which accounts for 10% weight. It involves both the employee’s self-rating and that of the immediate supervisor. Opposite them are entries on the demonstration of organizational core values; feedback from clients and co-workers and; average rating. The third and last segment of the form is the Overall Rating which comprise the overall weighting; formula; weighted rating and; the Overall Numerical Rating. As usual, the IOP is signed by the employee and approved by the immediate supervisor.
Its Strength
Most of the time, and with no employee performance management system installed, favoritism emerge in traditional organizations as performance targets of both superiors and subordinates are ambiguous and knowledge on doing just and equitable performance ratings are limited. Also, the rating mechanics come in subjective format like choices of boxes from 1 to 5, the lowest being poor and the highest being excellent, thereby leaving room for interpretation and bias on both the staff and the supervisor.
This employee performance evaluation form template is designed to correct the classic bias-prone subjective performance appraisal form for the reason that ratings are done objectively based on well-defined quantifiable indicators plus the fact that the managers’ performance are tied up with that of their subordinate staff.